Eventor.app iOS App

In this article we explain where to find Eventor App for iPad & iPhone and what it can do.

Our iOS App lets you check-in guests on your iPhone or iPad using several devices at the same time. It is perfect for event professionals, PR agencies and exhibitors.

You can manage your guests in the App, adding and modifying them one by one. It is impossible to upload guests from Excel to the App or purchase and create events. These actions must be done on our Web portal https://events.eventor.app Eventor App will help you to upload guests pictures directly from the camera or picture gallery. For faster guest check-in you may use in-app `QR-Code scanner.

Get our iOS App on Apple App Store

Eventor.app iOS Apple AppStore Eventor.app iOS Apple AppStore

What about the Android App? Yes we do have an Android App, you can get the Eventor Android App from Google Play Store.